Our Aruban Team
Here on Aruba we have a handfull of specialist who are more than willing to be speakers to both events for patients suffering from a disease of Arthritis, or for a Medical Congress for the medical personel staff.
We also have our Patients Committe, who are the driving force of organizing and hosting events and activities for said patients. Withouth these members, Caribbean Arthris Foundation would not have been able to host nearly host as many patients events as we were able to.
There are a few places who frequently allow us to use their location with no issues, so we would like to also mention them.
We have a few specialists that have been very willing to help out with giving information during our patient events. …
Patients Committee
As mentioned before, we would not have been able to be able to hoast nearly as many patient events without them, hence why each of the members deserve a spot on our Aruban recognition page!
Event Locations
As we host quite a bit of events, we need places to host these. We would like to give a special than you to ___ for letting us use their location.