EULAR, the European League against Rheumatism, is the European umbrella organisation representing scientific societies, health professional associations and the national organisations of People with Arthritis/Rheumatism in Europe (PARE). The aims of EULAR are to reduce the burden of rheumatic diseases on the individual and society and to improve the treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal diseases. To this end, EULAR promotes the translation of research advances into daily care and fights for the recognition of the needs of people with musculoskeletal diseases by the governing bodies in Europe.

Each year in June EULAR organizes a four-day Congress, visited by some 16.000 visitors, being members of scientific societies, health professionals, the national organisations of People with Arthritis/Rheumatism in Europe (PARE) and patients.

Each year in April EULAR-PARE organizes a four-day conference for representatives from the national organisations of People with Arthritis/Rheumatism in Europe (PARE).

In June 2018 the four-day EULAR congress was held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Mr. Francisco de Mey was invited to visit the EULAR Congress. He met with patients, health professionals and companies present and visited many presentations on rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases.

People with Arthritis/Rheumatism in Europe (PARE)

The national organisations of people with arthritis/rheumatism across Europe work together in EULAR. Their vision is of people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases in Europe being empowered to lead full and independent lives. For the Netherlands the National Association ReumaZorg Nederland is member of the national organisations of People with Arthritis/Rheumatism in Europe (PARE). Interested? Please contact mrs. G. Willemsen at [email protected]

The primary aims of PARE are: develop strong networks of effective, user-led organisations of people with RMDs; ensure the voice of people with RMDs is heard and has influence among decision makers within Europe, create powerful alliances that will make a difference to the lives of people with RMDs.

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