Medical Congress
Every year, we conduct a medical conference with specialist speakers for professionals in the medical field throughout the Caribbean.
It should come as no surprise that we have already held a few medical conferences, so below you may examine not only the information for upcoming medical congress when available, but also view each event that has already occurred.
Coming soon!
We’ll be having our next medical congress upcoming June in 2024. More specific dates will be added the closer to the date.
Stay Tuned!
4th Medical Congress
This year we had our annual 2 day medical congress at the Ritz-Carlton Resort, Aruba.
On the first day we had Drs. Jacco Vroegop, Prof. dr. G. (Margreet) Kloppenburg, Prof. dr. B.J.F. (Bart) van den Bemt [Pharm], and em. Prof. dr. M.A.F.J. (Mart) van de Laar as our speakers. On the second day it was Gino Goeloe, Prof. dr. M.T. (Mike) Nurmohamed, drs. G. (Ginayla) Kotzebue, Prof. dr. I.S.J. (Ingemar) Merkies, Prof. dr. B.J.F. (Bart) van den Bemt [Pharm], R. (Ricardo) Hu [MD, PhD], and drs. M. (Marjan) Erkamp who spoke about their topics.
For this Medical congress, 13 points were awarded to those who came both days. At the bottom the schedule that was followed during the congress is visible for show to see who spoke on what topic!
A special thank you to ReumaZorg Nederland to have funded this medical congress!
Day 1
Day 2
3rd Medical Congress
On Friday May 19th and Saturday May 20th, 2023 Caribbean Arthritis Foundation supported by the Nacional Association ReumaZorg Nederland and Stichting Reumazorg Nederland, had the great pleasure to organize it’s 3rd Medical Congress.
This Rheumatic and Muskuloskeletal Disease Congress welcomed Prof. dr. Mart van de Laar and dr. Roel Erckens in person at Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort.
Both speakers provided a presentation on “diagnosis and treatment of gout” respectively “an inflammatory eye disease as an expression of a systemic inflammatory disease”, this together with local experts Jessica van Nies, PhD (rheumatologist) and Dr. Vanessa Wolter (ophtalmologist).
This congress maintains its focus on the general practioners of Aruba in connection with the Early Diagnosis program of the Caribbean Arthritis Foundation.
2nd Medical Congress
For our second Medical Congress we were able to host it in the same year of the first one, but later on in the year. It was held in the ballroom of Marriot.
For this Medical congress, we had more specialist come in from the Netherlands to be the speakers, and we we’re able to get some local speakes as well. We had maney local doctors and other medical staff join us.
We would like to give a special thank you to the ReumaZorg Nederland for their support for this congress.
1rst Medical Congress
On May 20th of 2022 we were able to officially open our first medical congress: Cardiovascular Risk & Management with Rheumatoid Arthritis. We welcome Professor Dr. Mike Nurmohamed and want to thank him on behalf of the more than 120 professionals from the medical field attending this congress this evening.